Sunday, November 1, 2009

I like balloons

Its an amusing thing about Liverpool fans that they think a single win over United will result in their sudden 'rising from the ashes'; their comeback that will result in the title they've been talking about for..well.. about two decades. Theyll still be gloating over their win even when we're carrying the trophy and smacking them on the head with it. They've returned to losing ways this weekend and balance has been restored in the world, but you wont hear me going on and on about how Liverpool lost to Fulham.

Been making an overdue comeback at the gym recently. When i encountered the fat guy i knew at the counter he laughed at how i had shrunk and wasn't as fit as i used to be. You know you've got to a low point when an overweight man starts criticizing your fitness levels. I wanted to remind him that at least
i had an unobscured view of my feet when i looked down, but then i remembered this was the same fat dude who two days earlier broke his glasses after sitting on them and decided justice had been served in advance.

Contrary to popular belief going gymming isn't all about the vanity. Its actually a great way to relieve stress. Not to mention the the ability to punch someone hard in the face could come in handy at times. Like when people come into the gym and irritate the shit out of anyone in contact with them. Over the years ive encountered all sorts of oddities. My first real injury was when this moron attempted to do bicep curls and swung so hard the dumbbell flew from his hand.
And landed on my knee. Needless to say this fucking HURTS. But i was almost annoyed that i couldn't actually be mad at the fella, he was very apologetic and polite about having caused a terrible injury. At least from what i could tell through the blinding pain...
But then there are those people who have no idea what gym ettiquette is. Like they literally don't understand what the word means. I once told a guy i was annoyed by to "Learn some ettiquette!". He thought it was a vulgarity and told me he had a gang outside.

Thankfully apart from people like that most Singaporeans are alright. I abhor xenophobia and the like, but its hard to ignore the fact that its the expats that i find the most troublesome to deal with. There was this Indian expat who grabbed my weights without permission.
While i was doing an exercise.. One moment i was feeling the burn and pumping iron, the next moment my dumbbell disappeared. I restrained myself and tried to be nice. But when i approached him to ask if we could share the weights he told me no. Nothing else, just 'No'. I was not used to this kind of conversation. Its not even a conversation! I tried scolding him but as usual whenever i try to scold people ill be left frustrated and they'll be left confused.

But i take consolation in how these people are usually overweight or skinny and do the same exercises wrongly for years. Cosmic justice strikes again. Don't know why it couldn't feed a starving child instead though. The universe works in stupid ways.

Just a timely reminder:

Watched Surrogates a while back. Just want to mention that it was rubbish. The trailer looked promising; all human beings living through robotic substitutes.. a movie where fantasy has superceded reality; one in which our ideas of happiness, pleasure, and authentic experience could be examined in a way that only the genre of science fiction allows. Instead all you get is Bruce Willis running around and Ving Rhames impersonating Bob Marley.

(You might also remember Ving Rhames as that big scary dude who ended up getting raped in Pulp Fiction, one of the most disconcerting scenes ive ever seen..)

And yes that's also macho Bruce Willis next to him.

There is a plot twist but its one you don't particularly care about. Its a bit like revealing to you that i secretly added some Pepsi to that glass of Coke you're sipping. Its noteworthy perhaps, and you might just stop drinking, but you wont be smashing the glass down outraged.

Here is Torres making a mistakeAnd here is Giggs showing him what he should have done

Ive resolved to post more.. Id like to say ive been busy and i sort of have been, but i have the curious condition of conscriptivitis, where in a state of serving the nation one simultaneously has a busy yet non existent life. But as i get accustomed to things i am starting to have more and more time to write this drivel. And if you are unfortunate enough to be my friend, will be annoying you on a more regular basis.

Got a couple of interesting vids for you now. I don't know what the fuck they're doing in this vid. Is the apple a metaphor? Is that a guy or a girl? I dont know but its somehow mesmerizing..

Song's 'Independence' by The Blue Van.

This is a song i absolutely adore

And last but not least
Liverpool's goalkeeper fascinated by a balloon as the ball goes in.

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